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作者: 时间:2016-06-03 点击量:

武宁,bat365中文官方网站同济医学院免疫学系 教授,博士生导师。  


个人简介: 2011年于法国原子能研究所获得细胞与分子生物学博士学位。2011年至2017年在加拿大蒙特利尔临床研究所进行博士后研究。20179月入职bat365官网登录入口免疫学系,研究方向为免疫信号传导。具体研究内容包括:1)自然杀伤细胞在肿瘤免疫中的作用及分子机理;2)细胞膜非对称性对于免疫细胞信号传导的作用。入选中组部第十三批千人计划青年项目。


  1. Wu, N., Zhong, MC., Roncagalli, R., Perez-Quintero, L., Guo, H., Zhang, Z., Lenoir, C., Dong, Z., Latour, S., and Veillette, A. (2016). A hematopoietic cell–driven mechanism involving SLAMF6 receptor, SAP adaptors and SHP-1 phosphatase regulates NK cell education. Nature Immunology 17, 387-396.

  2. Wu, N., and Veillette, A. (2011). Immunology: Magnesium in a signalling role. Nature 475, 462-463.

  3. Wu, N.*, and Veillette, A*. (2016). SLAM family receptors in normal immunity and immune pathologies. Current Opinion in Immunology 38, 45-51. *Co-corresponding authors.

  4. Wu, N.*, and Gidrol, X*. (2014). The wind rose of human keratinocyte cell fate. Cellular and molecular life sciences 71, 4697-4702. *Co-corresponding authors.

  5. Wu, N., Sulpice, E., Obeid, P., Benzina, S., Kermarrec, F., Combe, S., and Gidrol, X. (2012). The miR-17 Family Links p63 Protein to MAPK Signaling to Promote the Onset of Human Keratinocyte Differentiation. PLoS One 7, e45761.

  6. Wu, N., Rollin, J., Masse, I., Lamartine, J., and Gidrol, X. (2012). p63 regulates human keratinocyte proliferation via a MYC-regulated gene network and differentiation commitment through a cell adhesion-related gene network. J Biol Chem 287, 5627-5638.

  7. Wu, N., Castel, D., Debily, M.A., Vigano, M.A., Alibert, O., Mantovani, R., Iljin, K., Romeo, P.H., and Gidrol, X. (2011). Large Scale RNAi Screen Reveals That the Inhibitor of DNA Binding 2 (ID2) Protein Is Repressed by p53 Family Member p63 and Functions in Human Keratinocyte Differentiation. J Biol Chem 286, 20870-20879.







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